The Berry team worked closely with their good friends at Truant London to create ‘Harriet The Hamster’ for a large print and digital media campaign for MHR.

Tasked with creating a new adorable mascot for MHR’s brand, The Berry & Truant created a series of exciting & wholesome scenarios featuring Harriet The Hamster which could be supported by various headlines and call to actions in online and out of home advertisements.

Once Harriet was fully rigged, The Berry team were able to rotate all her limbs and create various different poses. Working from handdrawn illustrations provided by the design team at Truant, The Berry produced various of these ranging from karate kicks, sunbathing, running and even operating a jet pack.

Once all the poses were in place, The Berry team ensured they were happy with texture and lighting before moving on to the final stage; hair simulation. Comprising of 450,000 individual hairs, Harriet The Hamster was finally complete.